Floatation R.E.S.T. Therapy
Eliminate the Outside World with Floatation Therapy
Have you been feeling stressed or anxious? Do you want some time for yourself but don’t have access to a peaceful or quiet place? Try floatation therapy! In a near zero-gravity float pod, we will take the pressure off your mind, body, and soul. Let the relief of floating seep into your muscles, joints, and mind by coming to Total Rejuvenation.
In addition to providing you the much-needed chance to relax, floatation has been known to have profound effects on the mind. The near elimination of external stimuli allows your brain waves to slow to the theta brain wave state, the waves that are active during dreaming and meditation. In this environment, people have experienced vivid imagery, enhanced creativity, problem solving, and epiphanies.
What is it?
Floatation Therapy, otherwise known as Flotation R.E.S.T. or Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy, involves being partially submerged in pool of super-saturated Epsom salt solution for up to 90 minutes to elicit a deep relaxation effect. The pool contains more then 1,200 lbs of Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate) to effortlessly suspend your body on the surface creating a near zero gravity effect. The pool is enclosed in a large tank that blocks sound, light and maintains a precise air and water temperature to match your surface skin temperature.
How does it work?
Each float suite is sound and light resistant to virtually eliminate visual and auditory input sensation. The tank internal air and water temperature is finely calibrated down to the 0.1 degree F to closely match your external skin temperature. This allows you to lose tactile (touch) sensation across your whole body, making it difficult to tell where the water starts and you skin ends. The super-saturated Epsom salt solution is 10 inchs deep and contains enough density to suspend your body just above the surface, nearly eliminating the sense of gravity and kinesthetic awareness (perception of limbs and muscle tension). This environment allows you to completely relax as all sensory inputs are drastically reduced, leading you into a deep meditative state.
What to Expect
First time floaters, Please complete your waiver ahead of time by accessing the portal in the initial booking confirmation email. When you arrive, check in with one of us and we will get you started! You will be taken back to your private float suite where you will be able to put in ear plugs, shower and release all your outside worry. You will have everything you need in the room ready for you, including a towel, personal luffa, shampoo, soap, ear plugs, and make-up remover. You can take as much or as little of the 2 hour time period that you like. Once you are ready to come out, make sure to take your time getting reacclimatized to the outside environment as you will be extra sensitive to stimuli like light or sound.
Benefits Of Flotation R.E.S.T.
Reduction of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms
Flotation-REST therapy has been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate, and induce systemic relaxation responses within the body. Research has shown that symptoms of anxiety and depression can be reduced during session and these effects can last up to 24 hours after the session has concluded.
Athletic Performance
The float tank is an amazing place to decompress. The near-zero gravity environment within the tank allows your spine to decompress and muscles that normally never get a chance to relax. This super concentrated Epsom salt bath has been shown to decrease muscle tension and symptoms of pain due to increases in relaxation and parasympathetic nervous system control (Rest and Heal nervous system)
Reduced Muscle Tension and Pain
The float tank is an amazing place to decompress. The near-zero gravity environment within the tank allows your spine to decompress and muscles that normally never get a chance to relax. This super concentrated Epsom salt bath has been shown to decrease muscle tension and symptoms of pain due to increases in relaxation and parasympathetic nervous system control (Rest and Heal nervous system)
Deeper Meditation Abilities
Deepen your meditation practice by cutting out the outside world with next to no effort. The lack of environmental stimuli allows you to fully focus on your inner self and develop an enhanced ability to enter meditative states like Theta Brain Wave State. If you are a beginning meditator, this can help boost your progress. For experienced meditators, you can advance further down the road and deepen your abilities.

What is the Theta Brain Wave State?
During different states of consciousness, from fully awake and alert to deep sleep and dreaming, your brain releases waves from a summation of synchronized neural activity. In other words, when certain large groups of associated neurons fire, the result is an average electromagnetic wave pattern that can be detected by EEG.
During states of deep relaxation, dreaming and meditation, the brain enters what is called the Theta brain wave state. This state is associated with the twilight zone between wakefulness and sleep and can elicit intense relaxation, enhanced well-being, deep inner awareness and clarity. This creates an internal landscape that can help you sort out problems or issues, build your own fantasy world or get in touch with your inner self.
Positive effects of Theta brain wave pattern are similar to meditation benefits: Mind and body healing, increased creativity, stress reduction, increased mantal clarity, increased well-being
Choose From Our 2 Float Devices
At TR, we strive to make your experience as comfortable and relaxing as possible. One of the biggest barriers to entry with this therapy is the enclosed nature of the experience. That’s why we offer two different devices that accommodate people of all comfort levels.
Each Float Suite will have everything you need, including a shower, towels, shampoo, body wash and conditioner, ear plugs, make up remover and petroleum jelly to protect small cuts and scrapes from the salty water.
Read about the differences between our devices below
Float POD - Leo or Tadao
This device offers all the benefits of floating in just the right fit! This is the smaller of our 2 devices but offers plenty of room to stretch out and sit up comfortably if needed. The music can be set to play the entire float, the first 10 mins and the last 5 mins and turn off automatically or just the last 5 mins so all you have to do is get in, get comfortable and flick off the light and off you go. This device can be enjoyed by beginners but if you are apprehensive about floating due to being enclosed, consider starting with our float ROOM (described below). This device is often enjoyed by our experienced floaters as it requires less time to steady oneself and no need to manipulate the music controls which would stir up the water (most people work their way to no light and no sound for maximum benefits).
Float ROOM - Roxanna or Oscar
These devices are the crown jewels of our facility. They offer the largest surface area of water and volume inside of the tank to provide the greatest comfort to those worried about being enclosed. This 8ft x 7ft x 7ft device has light and music on/off switches inside so you can control how much input makes you feel the most comfortable. There is even an AUX cord to plug in your music while you are in your float to enjoy your favorite album in solitude. This device is commonly used by our beginners as they become accustomed to floating.
Price Breakdown
Unlimited Monthly Membership
$179/ month
Unlimited Float sessions
Unlimited use of NormaTec Compression Therapy
One free Infrared Sauna session per month
50% discount on all other services
Bring one NEW client to TR per month for free
Free T-Shirt
2-month commitment, after that it is month to month with 30 days notice to cancel
No-Commitment Rewards Program
Come back to Total Rejuvenation in a timely manner and EARN MAJOR DISCOUNTS. No cost, just create an account with us and you are in!
RewardMore Program:
5 Levels: 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% off single session prices
You will be enrolled at level 4 after your first purchase
Level up and then stay at 50% off indefinitely as long as you come back once every 21 days
Discount can be used across all of our services
Bring new clients and start them at your discount level